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About Me

ADHD Coaching Light Bulb
Mira Weinfeld Certified Coach
ICF Member Badge Coach
ICF Professional Certified Coach PCC
Positive Psychology Certification Badge

My Background

Before practicing as a coach, I received an MBA in Healthcare Accounting and Marketing and an MS in Communication Disorders and worked in a variety of capacities ranging from healthcare accounting and consulting to speech-language therapy and counseling. Subsequently, I completed Basic, Advanced, and Family training through the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA), where I currently serve on the faculty.


I hold the following coaching credentials and certifications:

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • Advanced Certification Coach Graduate (ACCG) designation from the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA)

  • Professional Certified ADHD Coach (PCAC) credential from the Professional Association for ADHD Coaches (PAAC)

Some facts about me:

  • I was born in Brussels, Belgium

  • I live with my husband, my two daughters adopted from Russia, and my incorrigible 150 lb Great Pyrenees 

  • My top 5 favorite foods are Liège Belgian waffles, crêpes with dark brown sugar, Hungarian chicken paprikash, paneer makhani, and artisanal cheeses—the stinkier, the better

  • I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult

  • I'm perfectly imperfect

The Tale of My Journey

"What's the secret to living and flourishing with ADHD?"  This crucial question served as my launching point, sparking a journey of profound self-discovery and exploration, deep learning, and unyielding determination. My odyssey of personal growth eventually led me to partner with and support others on their unique transformational quest. A key turning point in my journey involved identifying and harnessing my character strengths—the positive qualities that make up our very essence and shape our actions. Several years later, amidst the upheaval of the pandemic, I undertook a deeper exploration of my strengths and committed to expressing at least one or two top "signature" character strengths each day. I engaged in activities that naturally expressed what I did well—endeavors that reflected my strongest qualities.   Embracing a powerful mental construct known as "multiple selves" became integral to my transformation. This construct consists of: 1. the ideal self (the person we steadily work towards becoming); 2. the best self (who we are at our personal best in the present moment); 3. the authentic self (an all-encompassing reflection of us, showcasing us at our best and worst moments); 4. the possible selves (the myriad paths we envision in the labyrinth of our minds, each a potential life journey); 5. the "ought self" (the person we thought we should be according to others) Eventually, I set free my "ought self"—the ghost of societal norms that had kept me stuck and held me back. I settled into my authentic self and developed pauses in my day to harness my best self and ideal self. My mentor coach supported me in envisioning my possible selves. The outcome? A paradigm shift. Expressing my character strengths energized me, allowing me to experience a heightened state of flow in my life. I deepened my relationships and connections with others. I developed more resilience, overcoming obstacles and challenges with greater ease. I felt less stressed, happier, and more optimistic, hopeful, fulfilled, and accomplished. By aligning my behaviors with the framework of my multiple selves and strengths, I discovered that I could reshape and significantly enhance my wellbeing.  I believe in our human potential to flourish, and it's become a goal of mine to help others discover and open their doorway to an engaged, meaningful, and positive life that meets their highest aspirations and is replete with possibility.


I'm passionate about helping my clients discover skills, gain insights, leverage strengths, overcome obstacles and executive function challenges, and take actionable steps to achieve greater levels of happiness and success!


Who are My Clients?

Having spent over eight years in the coaching field, I've had the privilege of working with a wonderfully diverse range of clients, including many diagnosed with ADHD and those who think differently.


My clients generally are:

  • Adults Aged 25 to 70+: Whether navigating the chaos of your mid to late 20s or embracing the wisdom of your 70s, you've found a place that gets you.

  • Neurodiverse Professionals, Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Graduate Students, and Other Bright, Capable Adults: If your brain is a fireworks display of possibilities, we're on the same wavelength.

  • Introspective: You spend time pondering the mysteries of life, the universe, and everything (including the streams of consciousness and brilliant ideas you have while showering.

  • Open to Exploration, Experimentation, and New Experiences: You're the type who says "Why not?" instead of "Why?"

  • Motivated and Committed to Getting Unstuck: You're ready to ditch the quicksand and navigate the adventure of life.

  • Willing to Take Small Steps to Gain Momentum Toward Whom They Want to Be and What They Want in Life: Incremental, small steps are still steps forward. Let's celebrate every tiny victory!

  • Ready to Embark on a Coaching Journey that Requires Effort and Self-Discovery Work in Between Sessions: You're prepared to dig deep, even if it gets a bit messy.

  • Aware that Rome Wasn't Built in a Day: Patience! Good things take time (and maybe a few caffeine breaks).

And if this doesn't sound like you, that's okay! Let's have a chat and see if we're a good fit. I love connecting with and meeting new people. After all, variety is the spice of life, and who doesn't love a bit of spice?

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

- Walt Disney

What's My Coaching Approach?

Aside from using my strong knowledge of ADHD when working with clients with ADHD, I employ a framework based on the science of positive psychology and integrate evidence-based principles from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), solution-focused coaching, and appreciative inquiry in all my coaching sessions. I'm a strong proponent of a multimodal approach, utilizing strategies and tools that work together to target multiple and interrelated aspects of development—Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational, and Emotional (SPIRE)—to promote wellbeing and optimize functioning. I draw on a whole person and strength-based approach to more effectively support my clients.  ​ I use a positive psychology platform that is HIPAA-compliant. Clients can easily access exercises, activities, tools, etc., in their portal via computer, tablet, and smartphone.

Character Strengths

Character Strengths ADHD Superpowers

It is only possible to leverage your strengths if you know your strengths. So, what are your top character strengths, and how can you use them to your advantage? If you're interested in learning more, click the button below and send me a message.

Abstract gradient blurred pattern colorful with grain noise effect background, for product

"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened."

— Lao Tzu —

Abstract gradient blurred pattern colorful with grain noise effect background, for product
ADHD Caffeine Coffee

My Top Character Strengths:


  1. Humor

  2. Creativity

  3. Love of Learning

  4. Curiosity

  5. Perspective

  6. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

Some Inspiration

for your day

Goal Tracker ADHD Coaching

Coaching supports you to sail toward your desired destination and enjoy the journey along the way.

My Services

Adult ADHD &
Positive Psychology Coaching 

Courses and


Coach Mentoring

(for ACC or PCC)

Stand Tall!

Professional Affiliations

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CHADD logo

Mira Weinfeld

ADHD and Positive Psychology Coach
Hartsdale, NY
Contact Mira Weinfeld, adult ADHD and positive psychology coach and owner of MiraMind X, by email
Contact Mira Weinfeld, adult ADHD and positive psychology coach and owner of MiraMind X, by phone

Get in Touch

Phone: +1 (914) 522-5356
©2024 MiraMind X, LLC
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