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Navigating Decision Paralysis: Strategies for Individuals with ADHD

Life is filled with choices, both big and small, that shape our daily routines and long-term goals. For individuals with ADHD, making decisions can be a formidable challenge. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of decision paralysis in the context of ADHD, explore its causes, and offer strategies to overcome it.


Too many cupcakes and flavors to choose from lead to decision paralysis.

CAKE: Charmed Chocolate or Velvety Vanilla? FROSTING: Petal Pink, Passion Pink, Blissful Blue, Orange Oasis, or Plum Perfection?


Have you ever felt stuck or overwhelmed by the number of options you have to choose from? Do you find yourself procrastinating, avoiding, or second-guessing your decisions? Maybe you were choosing between two job offers, picking a college major, or planning a vacation. You wanted to make the best choice, but you felt overwhelmed by the options, the pros and cons, the possible outcomes, and the potential regrets. You kept postponing the decision, hoping for more clarity, but you only felt more anxious and frustrated. If so, you might be experiencing decision paralysis, a common challenge for many people with ADHD. 

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” — attributed to Theodore Roosevelt

Understanding Decision Paralysis in ADHD

Decision Paralysis Defined:

Decision paralysis is the inability or difficulty to make a decision, especially when there are too many alternatives, conflicting information, or high stakes involved. It can lead to anxiety, stress, frustration, and missed opportunities. This phenomenon can be particularly overwhelming and paralyzing for individuals with ADHD, as it compounds their existing challenges in attention, focus, and executive function.

The ADHD Factor:

ADHD is characterized by difficulties in executive functions, such as planning, organizing, prioritizing, and regulating emotions, making it especially challenging to prioritize choices, weigh pros and cons, and foresee the consequences of their decisions. In addition to having executive function challenges, individuals with ADHD are more prone to decision paralysis because they commonly experience:

  • Sensory overload from the constant bombardment of information and choices.

  • Difficulty filtering out irrelevant or distracting information.

  • Low self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.

  • Perfectionism and fear of failure or criticism.

  • Hyperfocus on the negative aspects or consequences of a decision.

These factors can make it hard for us to evaluate our options, prioritize choices, weigh pros and cons, foresee the consequences of our decisions, and commit to a course of action. We may also struggle with indecision in everyday situations, such as what to wear, what to eat, or what to do with our free time. It can also affect our relationships, as we may rely too much on others to make decisions for us, or avoid making decisions that involve others, such as where to go for dinner or what movie to watch. And, while fear of making the wrong choice can be paralyzing for anyone, it can be especially debilitating for individuals with ADHD, who may have a history of impulsive decisions that didn't yield positive outcomes. As a result, we often become stuck in a state of indecision.

Brain experiences sensory overload, leading to decision paralysis

How Can Positive Psychology Help with Decision Paralysis?

Fortunately, decision paralysis is not a permanent condition. There are strategies that can help us overcome the overwhelm and make choices that align with our goals and values. Here are some tips to help you break free from decision paralysis when you have ADHD.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life worth living. It focuses on the strengths, values, and virtues that enable us to thrive and flourish. Positive psychology can offer some helpful insights and tools for overcoming decision paralysis, such as:

  • Identifying and using your signature strengths. These are the positive traits that you are naturally good at and enjoy using. They can help you boost your self-confidence, motivation, and resilience. You can take a free online test to discover your signature strengths here:

  • Aligning your decisions with your values. These are the principles that guide your actions and give meaning to your life. They can help you clarify your goals, preferences, and priorities. Before you make a decision, ask yourself what matters most to you in life. There are many online resources you can use to help you clarify your values. For a more in-depth exploration, consider working with an ADHD coach.

  • Applying the 80/20 rule. This is a principle that states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the efforts. It can help you simplify your choices, focus on the most important factors, and avoid overthinking. You can use this technique to eliminate the options that are less relevant, beneficial, or satisfying.

  • Embracing the growth mindset. This is a belief that you can learn from your mistakes and improve your skills and abilities. It can help you overcome your fear of failure, embrace challenges, and seek feedback. You can use this mindset to view your decisions as opportunities to grow, experiment, and learn.

  • Celebrating your wins. This is a practice of acknowledging and appreciating your achievements, no matter how big or small. It can help you increase your happiness, gratitude, and optimism. You can use this practice to reward yourself for making a decision, reflect on what went well, and savor the positive outcomes.

Other Strategies to Overcome Decision Paralysis

  • Limit Your Options: Simplify! Reduce the number of choices you have to consider. When faced with a plethora of options, try to narrow them down to a more manageable number (e.g., three or four options that are most relevant and/or realistic). You can also use a process of elimination to weed out the options that are clearly not suitable or desirable for you.

  • Do Your Research. Sometimes, decision paralysis is caused by a lack of information or knowledge. To overcome this, you need to do your research and gather the facts and data that are relevant to your decision. You can use online sources, books, experts, or people who have experience with the decision you are facing. However, be careful not to overdo your research, as this can lead to "analysis paralysis," which is another form of decision paralysis. This leads us to the bullet point below.

Hands hold up orange sign with the words, "Analysis Paralysis"

  • Set Time Limits: Give yourself a specific time frame to make a decision. Setting a deadline can help prevent overthinking. So, for example, if you need to do research to make a decision, set a time limit for it and stick to it.

  • Utilize Visual Aids: Create visual tools like charts or mind maps to help organize your thoughts and compare choices more effectively.

  • Consult a Trusted Friend or Professional: Sometimes, seeking advice from someone you trust can provide a fresh perspective and help you make a decision. But ultimately, you need to trust yourself. And this leads us to the bullet point below.

  • Trust your intuition. Sometimes, decision paralysis is caused by a lack of trust in yourself and your intuition. To overcome this, you need to listen to your gut feeling and pay attention to the signals that your body and emotions are sending you. Your intuition is your subconscious mind that has processed the information and experiences that you may not be aware of consciously. It can help you make decisions that are aligned with your values and needs. However, be careful not to confuse your intuition with your impulses, which are often driven by emotions and cravings. To tell the difference, ask yourself if the decision you are about to make is based on a calm and clear feeling, or a restless and urgent feeling.

  • Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation: Mindfulness techniques can help manage anxiety and reduce the fear of making mistakes, allowing for more confident decision-making.

  • Take Action: The final and most important step to overcome decision paralysis is to take action. Once you have done your best to clarify your values, simplify your options, do your research, trust your intuition, and accept imperfection, you need to commit to a decision and act on it. Don't wait for the perfect moment, or for more certainty, or for more approval. Just do it. Taking action will not only resolve your decision paralysis, but also boost your confidence, motivation, and satisfaction.


Decision paralysis is a common struggle for adults with ADHD, exacerbated by the overwhelming number of choices in today's world. Understanding the causes and implementing strategies to overcome decision paralysis can help us regain control and make choices that align with our aspirations and values.


Don't let decision paralysis hold you back. With the right strategies and support, you can learn to navigate the complexities of decision-making and move forward with confidence. Remember that you have the power and the potential to create the life you want, one decision at a time.



  • Barkley, R. A. (2020). Executive functions: What they are, how they work, and why they evolved. Guilford Publications.

  • Halbe, E., Kolf, F., Heger, A., Hüpen, P., Bergmann, M., Aslan, B., Harrison, B., Davey, C., Philipsen, A., & Lux, S. (2023). Altered interaction of physiological activity and behavior affects risky decision-making in ADHD. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17.

  • Mäntylä, T., Still, J., Gullberg, S., & Missier, F. (2012). Decision Making in Adults With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 16, 164 - 173.

  • Mowinckel, A., Pedersen, M., Eilertsen, E., & Biele, G. (2015). A Meta-Analysis of Decision-Making and Attention in Adults With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 19, 355 - 367.

  • Poissant, H., Moreno, A., Potvin, S., & Mendrek, A. (2020). A Meta-analysis of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Impact on ADHD Symptoms, Depression, and Executive Functioning. Mindfulness, 11, 2669 - 2681.

  • Strohmeier, C., Rosenfield, B., Ditomasso, R., & Ramsay, J. (2016). Assessment of the relationship between self-reported cognitive distortions and adult ADHD, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. Psychiatry Research, 238, 153-158.


Key Takeaways

The blog post outlines strategies for overcoming decision paralysis, especially for those with ADHD, emphasizing:


  • What is Decision Paralysis?: Decision paralysis is the struggle to make decisions, especially when faced with multiple options. It often leads to stress and inaction and is particularly challenging for individuals with ADHD because of their executive function difficulties.

  • ADHD-Specific Challenges: Sensory overload, difficulty filtering distractions, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and a focus on negative outcomes exacerbate decision paralysis in ADHD individuals.

  • Positive Psychology Strategies: These include using one's strengths, aligning decisions with values, applying the 80/20 rule, embracing a growth mindset, and celebrating wins.

  • Other Strategies to Overcome Decision Paralysis: These include limiting choices, conducting focused research, using visual aids, seeking advice, trusting intuition, practicing mindfulness, and, most importantly, taking decisive action.


The post highlights that understanding and addressing decision paralysis with the suggested strategies can help individuals, particularly those with ADHD, make decisions more confidently and align them with their goals and values.


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